Shake-A-Leg Collaboration

Since the death of our son Stephen who passed away of Melanoma skin cancer 15 months ago, Herman and I are committed to educating our community about the dangers of UV Radiation and unprotected sun exposure.

Fact: We know 90% of Melanoma cases are a direct result of UV radiation exposure.

Fact: We know over the past 10 years Melanoma cases have increased by 53%,

Fact: We know that unlike all other cancers, in most cases, skin cancer is preventable.

Miggy’s Gift is proud to announce and honored to collaborate with Shake-A-Leg Summer Camp 2019.  Together we will activate an aggressive campaign to create awareness among campers and their families. We will donate a Sunscreen dispenser which will be kept on site for the use of all campers. We will provide the campers an age-appropriate e-course about sun safety. We will reinforce the importance of wearing 100% UVA and UVB protective sunglasses plus stress the importance of using Reef Safe sunscreen lotion to protect our environment. As we get closer to Summer Camp 2019, additional updates will be announced!!

Shake-A-Leg is a premier community boating center,  501 (c) 3 organization, who has been working in partnership with the City of Miami over the past 25 years helping improve the lives of children and adults with developmental and economic challenges. They do this by facilitating the use of the marine environment and providing access to the majestic waters of Biscayne Bay. They are located in the heart of Miami’s historic Coconut Grove waterfront.

This week has been extremely difficult for the Melanoma Community. Dayanara Torres, 1993 Miss Universe announced she has been diagnosed with Melanoma skin cancer. For years she had ignored a mole on her leg and at the insistence of her fiancé, she finally went to see a doctor. A biopsy later determined it was in fact Melanoma. Additional testing also determined the disease had filtered to her lymph nodes. She is now waiting for further results to see if any other organs have been affected and what type of treatment she will be receiving. We know Dayanara’s life has been forever altered and we are praying for her full recovery. 

At Miggy’s Gift, we are always looking for new ideas and places we can visit to make a difference. We welcome your comments and suggestions. To see where we have gone and where we will go next you can follow us on Facebook (Miggy’s Gift – Melanoma Awareness) or visit our website (

You can be part of this movement by making a donation today! Miggy’s Gift is a non-profit organization and 100% your donations go right back to our community.

God Bless,



In memory of our son Stephen, Miggy’s Gift, Inc. was founded in March, 2018.  Our non-profit is committed to creating awareness of Melanoma Skin Cancer.  In just six months, we have donated Sunscreen dispensers to Boys Scout Troop 840 and Kiwanis of Little Havana Summer Camp for low income children.  In addition, we have visited three hospitals donating the Mighty Miggy book, hospital gowns, and stuffed doggies to pediatric cancer patients, established a Scholarship Grant at Miami Dade College to a Video Game Development student, and have spoken and distributed reading material about Melanoma to several civic groups stressing the dangers of UV Radiation exposure.

Our goal is to be able to continue educating our community about skin cancer but ultimately we would like to have an online program about skin cancer in every Miami Dade and Broward county public school.  We feel educating our youth about the importance of prevention, self-check and early detection is of the utmost importance.

In order to have the funds to continue with our mission, we need your help! We have joined forces with another organization named One Change, Inc. who also advocates for Melanoma Skin Cancer. Together we have planned a one mile walk for Sunday, November 11, 2018 at Coral Reef Park. We have named our event “Together we will BEAT Melanoma”.  Please contact us if you want to participate.

 “Together We Will Beat Melanoma”

Sunday, November 11, 2018

9:00 am – 12:00 noon (walk starts at 9:30 sharp)

Coral Reef Park

7895 SW 152 Street

Palmetto Bay, Florida

Food – Music – Magic Show – Face Painting